Let’s start this journey together.

Welcoming girls from over 25 different schools and zip codes in the Richmond metro area.

We all know how challenging the middle school years can be. At OHMS we don’t pretend we can eliminate those challenges, but we are committed to creating an environment that fosters and nurtures girls through these four years of growth and development. Our focus on the specific needs and challenges of 5th-8th grade girls means they have space to find themselves and be themselves in middle school and in the years to come. 

We love getting to know prospective students and their parents, and we provide lots of opportunities for you to get to know us better. By submitting the inquiry form, you will be added to our mailing list and receive information about all that is going on at OHMS, including upcoming admissions events and key application dates.  We are looking forward to meeting you as you begin your journey of discovering OHMS. 

Ready to visit campus and learn more?

Submit the Inquiry Form below to get started!


Upcoming Events

Come see what Orchard House is all about! We love welcoming prospective families and students to our school. To give you a better sense of the OHMS experience, we offer a variety of in-person and virtual opportunities including in-person school tours, coffee chats, community events and more.

This meetup for 4th grade girls is designed to flex their courage, determination, resilience, perseverance, and general stick-to-itiveness! Register your daughter by completing our Inquiry Form, and/or speak with Ms. Valerie Hogan!